Monday, October 19, 2009

Pictures from the reunion ( thanks Siboney!)

Here are some pictures from the reunion. Looks like there was a good turnout! Here are some pics Siboney sent me to add to the blog and if you have any others you would like to add please send them this way! Also, feel free to update your space if you feel so inclined! I am happy to add your info to this anytime. Have another great 10 years guys! Enjoy your 30's, which are fast approaching! YIKES!

Here are some pictures from the reunion. Looks like there was a good turnout! Here are some pics Siboney sent me to add to the blog and if you have any others you would like to add please send them this way! Also, feel free to update your space if you feel so inclined! I am happy to add your info to this anytime. Have another great 10 years guys! Enjoy your 30's, which are fast approaching! YIKES!

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