Friday, July 24, 2009

* Katrina Millet Espinoza *

Remember this cool girl?

1. Where are you living right now? How long have you lived there?
I am living in Provo Utah, I have been living here for about 10 years.
2. Are you married? Who did you marry?
I have been married to Jason Espinoza for 9 years, it will be 10 next April
3. Do you have kids?
I have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy and expecting my 4th early next year
4. Do you have a college degree? What school did you attend?
I am actually going to school for a degree in English Literature well trying is more like it because I always get behind
5. What do you do for a living?
I am a professional mom
6. How many places have you lived since graduation?
I haven't moved too many places because I hate moving I think I have only move 2 times since I was married
7. Briefly summarize any other major events that have happened in your life since graduation.
Got married, got pregnant, got pregnant, went to Disneyland, got pregnant, went to Disneyland, went to Disneyland, got pregnant again, and no I am not going to Disneyland until next year
8. What is your favorite memory of high school?
since I left in middle school I will use that, maybe all of the goofing off with Amy, even when we had our little fights those make me laugh so hard now. Or when I went back to AZ and Deana, Amy, and I went down that hill and then Deana got pulled over by the dog catcher
9. What is your favorite song(s) from high school?
Crash by Dave Matthews Band
10. Who is the teacher you remember most from high school? Why?
Well I had a teacher in high school who caught me sluffing school in the hallway and the next day he asked where I was the day before and I told him Arizona and he excused my absence!
11. Have you been able to keep in contact with any former classmates? Who?
I have kept in touch with my close friends from SJ however its all email now and not the fun letters in the mail like before
12. If you could go back, what would you change about your high school years?
attend more school functions make memories with the people there
13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Buying a house in the next 2 years since our 2 bedroom house is getting so small
14. What is one accomplishment since high school that you are proud of?
getting sealed to my husband who believe it or not used to do some crazy stuff
15. What is one piece of advice you would give a future graduate of SJHS?
Grow up and know more about you before you make any big decisions
16. What school events do you remember liking or disliking?
I liked them all.....
17. Do you make it back to St.Johns very often?
I have once since High school
18. Do you have plans to attend the reunion? ( We would like to see you if at all possible!)
Hopefull I am going to AZ in Oct can't guarantee (I can't spell either) that I will be down during homecoming or that my husband will want to go
19. Anything else you would like to share?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


To make this blog successful we need members of the class who know about this blog to pass the word along to others they may still be in contact with! Right now the word is that our reunion will be during Homecoming weekend in October (official date is yet to be determined). I know a lot of people are anxious for this event to happen but we will be needing people to step up and help in any way they can. Many of us have moved away but word of mouth is a huge help too. If you can't attend, submit your info to the blog! If you can attend, please still submit your info! At least then there is some word of what you have been up to these past 10 years. I will try to give the blog a face lift in the meantime and try to get renewed interest in the blog. Basically all you need to know is that you can answer the questions below OR SEND ANY INFO you wish about yourself (with pictures please) to: Amy(Doubt) Richardson. I will go in and enter it on here for all to see as soon as possible! Any new news I hear will be added on here as well. Have fun and please participate! If you have attended SJHS clas of 1999 at any time let me know and I will add a spot for your info as well. You are also welcome to attend the reunion, we would love to have you!