Saturday, February 7, 2009

* Chance Anderson *

I'm doing great Alex my oldest turned 6 in November. I met my fiance last year and now we have a son together, Aiden Tyler Morin-Anderson. He was born on Jan 8th. Michelle, my fiance, also has a son that will be turning 6 this June. That's right, I now have 3 boys. Other than getting engaged and having a lot bigger family not much has changed. I'm working for VZW in the tech support. I'm living in Mesa and trying to get through these trying economic times. Well to keep everyone up to date I was married October 2002 and divorced August 2005. I'm now engaged and have 3 boys as explained above. I don't get back to good ol SJ as much as I would like. I'm excited to hear about where everyone is and see how they are doing.

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